For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18
Bringing churches together to fight human trafficking in their neighborhood in the areas of awareness, prevention, and restoration.
At 'Adorned in Grace' we believe the past doesn’t have to determine the future of someone who has been sexually exploited, so we rally together with other community groups and passionate volunteers to provide care and assistance that helps survivors become thrivers. Two of the ways we do this are through collaborative crisis prevention and training survivor mentors/advocates.
Our mission is to see transformation occur in individuals, churches and communities. In order to accomplish this, we seek to involve people who have a commitment to Jesus Christ and Christian values. We ask that volunteers be willing to work within biblical guidelines model integrity in ministry. We recognize that for those we serve to genuinely know they are loved, we must show consistency, commitment, respect and unconditional love.
If you are interested in learning more about what it would be like for you to volunteer at Adorned In Grace, fill out the form below to get linked in with Ann Schoening at church, and she can answer your questions and guide you in the next steps!
Our mission is to see transformation occur in individuals, churches and communities. In order to accomplish this, we seek to involve people who have a commitment to Jesus Christ and Christian values. We ask that volunteers be willing to work within biblical guidelines model integrity in ministry. We recognize that for those we serve to genuinely know they are loved, we must show consistency, commitment, respect and unconditional love.
If you are interested in learning more about what it would be like for you to volunteer at Adorned In Grace, fill out the form below to get linked in with Ann Schoening at church, and she can answer your questions and guide you in the next steps!